Sunday, November 28, 2010

To Fiddle-Fart

On the occasion of delaying the inevitable.

  • I have fiddle-farted with removing the spiral from the top of the charcoal paper pad.
  • I have fiddle-farted with finding the “just-right” sized foam-core board.
  • I have fiddle-farted looking for my mat cutter.
  • I have fiddle-farted looking for my “sharp” mat cutter.
  • I have fiddle-farted with exchanging dull blades to sharp blades in my mat cutter.
  • I have fiddle-farted with cutting the foam-core board to the “perfect” size to work with the perfect charcoal paper.
  • And now I have run out of fiddle-farts.

If you get fewer than 2,000 rejections a year, you are not working hard enough.
©Ida Kotyuk, Portrait Painter, MA

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I learned how to place my images on canvas or paper from gardeners and gardening. Who always stress to plant your flowers in clusters and not like little upright soldiers in a row.

If you get fewer than 2,000 rejections a year, you are not working hard enough.
©Ida Kotyuk, Portrait Painter, MA

Thursday, November 25, 2010